Undergraduate courses

#1 Victorian university for graduate employment

Choose from 200+ practical, industry-shaped courses and degrees.

Explore Deakin's undergraduate courses

Use our course search tool to find the course that satisfies your curiosity and helps you achieve your goals. Realise your potential with an undergraduate degree from Victoria’s #1 university for graduate employment.

Study online with the #1 Victorian uni for student support

Our online degrees give you the flexibility to study on your terms, with the backing of a support network that helps you succeed every step of the way. Join over 78,000 online students who have successfully graduated with Deakin's dedicated support and flexible learning options.

Join a Deakin campus tour

Join a Deakin campus tour

Vibe check your future uni this April school holidays. Tour our world-class facilities, discover our vibrant on-campus accommodation and get all your burning questions answered. This is your chance to explore, connect and envision your future at Deakin!

Get the support you need to achieve your goals

We want to make sure you succeed. Deakin has support available from Open Day to your first day – and even after graduation.

Student support

From peer mentoring and career planning to health and wellbeing, Deakin has you covered.

Financial help

Scholarships based on need or achievement are available to help reduce the cost of your undergraduate course.

Ready to apply?

The Deakin Application Portal has made applying for your ultimate course easier than ever. Plus, you can chat with our application experts on 1800 693 888 if you need support at any step.

Removing barriers to university study

Removing barriers to university study

We want all talented students to chase their dreams. The Deakin Guaranteed ATAR and access programs for Indigenous, rural and regional students are just some of the ways we make Deakin accessible to a diverse student body.

Transfer to a Deakin undergraduate course

Transfer to a Deakin undergraduate course

Thinking about a change? Don’t settle for less – Deakin is the #1 Victorian university for student satisfaction. It’s easy to apply to switch to Deakin. We even offer credit for your study elsewhere so you won’t be starting over.

Who studies at Deakin?

As part of our commitment to admissions transparency, we've compiled Deakin student cohort data (PDF, 800KB) about how our 2024 student cohort were admitted into their courses at Deakin University.

Overview of Deakin students

Trimester 1, 2024
Applicant backgroundNumber of studentsPercentage of all students
(A) Past higher education study
(includes a bridging or enabling course) 



(B) Past vocational education and training (VET) study



(C) Recent secondary education:
– Admitted solely on the basis of ATAR
(Regardless of whether this includes the impact of adjustment factors, such as equity or subject adjustments)
– Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered 
(e.g. portfolio, audition, extra test, early offer conditional on minimum ATAR) 





(D) Work and life experience
(Admitted on the basis of previous achievement other than the above)



International students



All students



All students above passed the census date at the beginning of 2024.

Learn more about higher education in Australia by visiting the QILT and TEQSA websites.

Rankings and footnotes

Deakin references data from a range of government, higher education and reputable media sources. For more information, visit our University rankings page.

Contact us

Our friendly advisers can help you make the right choice  about an undergraduate course. Speak to someone about your study options. You can also download our 2025 Undergraduate Course Guide (PDF, 5MB).

Domestic students  
1800 693 888 
Enquire online

International students 
+61 3 9918 9188
Enquire online